Saturday, July 2, 2011

It's Good To Be the Consular

Once again Stephen Reid steps up the with great news.  You gotta love this guy.  He deals with so much negativity in a see of confusion know as the SWTOR forums.  And everything single time hits one out.  Maybe he has a lot of experience as a parent....

In response to one of the silliest threads created "Bioware doesn't care about Consular people".  Yep that's right someone actually created a thread with that name.  They actually felt the people at BioWare was intent on hurting a portion of their fan base with no information.  You have to wonder what these kids eat for breakfast.

Reid's response while simple and to the point was perfect:

Just to reassure all Jedi Consular fans, there's plenty of JC lurve coming down the line. In fact I was watching footage just this morning featuring a Jedi Consular... starring in their very own video

You can find his complete post here.  With more Reid love here.