Friday, August 5, 2011

Fan Friday Is Fan Librarian Day!

Finally! The news 60% of the republic based players have been begging for!! The new Jedi Consular information has been released.  And we have to admit - we did not see this coming at all.  How else can you top off an epic 13 minute segment of game play footage?

I come In Peace...

Well BioWare had the answer....

The Republic fans can finally relax and stop accusing BioWare of hating the Republic side.  People have been actually posted those very insane comments.  CRAZY!

BioWare have once again outdone themselves this week.  And what has been a quiet week with a lackluster Facebook Wednesday.  So kudos to the guys that never sleep and feel the pressure of LucasArts and EA sitting in their backyard staring at them.

In addition to the class video we picked up some new/existing tidbits:

  • Meet Qyzen Fess, a mighty Trandoshan hunter who joins the Consular’s cause
  • Find out more about the mystical Mirialan, wise Force-sensitives who often become Jedi Consulars
  • Take a tour of the Jedi Starship, the Corellian Defender-Class Light Corvette; it’s perfect for diplomatic missions, but well-equipped for combat if negotiations go sour.

This is a great Fan Friday update for the Republic and SWTOR.  I bet BioWare hates the empire now...

Update:  HD version can be found here.  Thank you BioWare.