Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Probing the PODS: The Cantina Band

We have a new POD that requires listening.  These guys are nothing short of interesting in a sea of bland boring SWTOR pods.  None of which we will name here.... 

Moving into our short list of PODS to listen too along with Darth Hater, The Republic, and TwoTORGamers, these guys have managed to grab our interest.  It's odd - but we think it has a lot to do with their level of excitement.  It's a positive listening experience from people that you would probably drink a beer with at your local.  In addition they had Scott Johnson from FrogPants Studios

Why is this great!?  Well Scott has the pod process down to a WoW.  Intro, schedule, quality sound and humor.  Humor being the key for us.  They also take the view of common sense.  And by that it appears they want all the information before making a call.  The voice of reason if you will.... something "The Instance" is known for among the WoW community. 

The show is hosted by Brian Brushwood and Adam Paulauski.  They do a great job and we recommend checking them out.  We also hope Scott makes a regular appearance on the show.  For more info head over to The Cantina Band.