Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fan Friday is Fan Smuggling Day!

If you ever wanted to consider switching from one of the two Jedi classes to say something else.... here is the first major compelling piece of evidence to sway the mindset.

Basically put the following video is so impressive many people have a new starting class come launch.  

As your character progresses through the saga of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, you will see them advance as you unlock new skills and acquire or craft superior gear.

Whether running blockades to deliver vital supplies or evading Imperial patrols, the Smuggler must rely on his wit and guile just as much as the blaster at his side. As the price on his head rises and his enemies grow more dangerous, the Smuggler will have to acquire new skills and utilize more powerful weapons and armor to survive.

Get a look at some of the ways the Smuggler can progress and see just a small fraction of the weapons, armor and abilities that become available to him.

BioWare does a great job of showing some humor while adding in some unique instances of style and abilities for each of the two advances classes.  Paying homage to Indian Jones and the great Han Solo run and scream was indeed the perfect end to a long week.  

And don't forget to check out the bonus PAX footage.  Really really well done.