Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ctrl+Alt+Del - Joy - Beta Comedy

Ctrl+Alt+Del - Joy (2011-07-06)

The boys had CAD have done something great today. They made 50% of the Star Wars community laugh uncontrollably for 5 minutes or more. Truly a noble feat in the gaming world as we know it.

This piece of art-work could not have come at a better time. David Bass from BioWare was having to squash a silly rumor about 'Fan Sites' in regards to the beta:

I keep seeing this rumor pop up in various forms and I'm still not sure where it's coming from. To clarify:

There is no such "blacklist" for fan sites. Working for a fan site does not mean you are excluded from our testing program. You have just as much of a chance as anyone else who has signed up for Game Testing.

Which of course is hot off the press from the recent Stephen Reid post squashing the TOP guild and the beta.

Not true.

As we select Game Testers randomly from a large pool of potential testers, yes, it's likely that some people from 'top' guilds are going to be selected. I think it's fair to say we have Game Testers from well-known guilds.

However, we're not issuing invites to entire guilds. That may be something we do in the future, but it's not guaranteed, and there's no timeline for when that might happen.

We also do not make development decisions entirely based on any one person or group's opinion; it's always a mix of a variety of different factors.

It seems like parts of the TOR community have a hard grasping the simple concept of 'random selection'. Once can only hope that natural selection will come into play at some point with these people.