Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Republic.... PvP Episode 63

Following up from BioWare's PvP Friday - The Republic's latest episode reviews the Voidstar and other PvP elements from SWTOR.

They have a special guest from their Rift series Ed “Taugrim” Park from "The Sanctum".  Ed has a great deal of experience playing PvP in Rift and other games.  And it was refreshing to get perspective from someone that has not been on the show before.

Larry Skywalker
Welcome once again to a galaxy far, far away! Gamebreaker.TV hyperjumps its way from the Star Wars: The Old Republic universe to your living room. This totally wizard episode features guest host Ed “Taugrim” Park from The Sanctum. Of course, our regular hosts Gary GannonJustin Lowe, and Larry Everett all weight in on today’s topic of PvP.
If you have time checkout the show.  These guys do a great job and are always interesting to follow.  It's probably one of the better SWTOR productions out there today.