Of the movies we have found this is our favorite. PvP Warzone footage of a trooper. In fact this was more enjoyable then many of the pre-canned movies made. It's also a good example to other fan sites (Yes 'Darth Hater' i mean you!) of how to do a game play movie. The commentating never gets annoying and makes us want to fly to Austin, TX and beat down BioWare's door. It also makes us a tad more interested in the class.
But it gets better.... The following is the Sith warrior play through of the first mission or two on his origin world of Korriban. It shows us basic combat and abilities with some minor intro into the classes story. With a great running Q&A.
And here is part 2 that begins to show us the plot thicken.... While some may wish to not be spoiled we could not help but watch. Honestly it did not cover enough of the story to ruin it for anyone on release.
ENJOY!! And huge thanks to the sites able to post this information.