Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Once Again BioWare Clears the ORIGIN Air....
To those that for some odd reason hate competition in an industry that always needs it and only want to use one product to download games Mr. Reid has a little to say in a thread called "EA has crossed the line".
Regardless of what other games may choose to do in their integration with Origin's desktop client, here's what our situation is:
You are not required to use the Origin desktop client to download, patch or play the game client for Star Wars: The Old Republic.
This applies whether you purchase The Old Republic via or from a retailer in boxed form. You will not be forced to install the Origin desktop client.
There are still various consumer benefits to the client itself, but it's not required for The Old Republic.
This info of course has been released a few times. Hopefully its the last time we have to talk about this service. It's only used as a device to download the game. Or for those that want to play BF3 and the next COD.
Hopefully we can move forward and Mr. Reid can comment on the Sept Beta, or plans for release, or why the smuggler is going to face own the Bounty Hunter. Things of IMPORTANCE PEOPLE!!!
Release Information