Monday, August 15, 2011
Stop The Press!! GUILD BETA!!!
You pretty much have to less Bass (davidbass) do all the talking with this one:
We are very pleased to announce the start of Guild Testing for STAR WARS: The Old Republic! This program will allow guilds to be considered as a whole for inclusion in the Game Testing Program, allowing us to gather important data regarding how guilds play The Old Republic, as well as how organized groups deal with various mechanics and systems in the game. The program is already underway, as we’ve invited the first wave of guilds into testing, however we’ll be adding more over the coming weeks alongside the general Game Testing invites.
Also you need to be some what helpful in the community.... A very interesting concept:
ll be looking to let in both large and small guilds, so as long as your guild meets the minimum requirement, you have an equal chance of being invited to testing. In addition, we may, at our discretion, choose a few select guilds that are active and helpful in the community, since we could use that sort of helpfulness in-game and on the Testing Forums. Note that this will be done in rare circumstances, in order to reward our dedicated community members. Please do not contact any BioWare staff requesting access to Guild Testing, or else your guild may be removed from consideration.
For all the info head over to David Bass' post on the subject.
In addition if you spend a lot of time at Their guild can be found:
PvP Guild - Giant Sith Meatbags
PvE Guild - Bad Motivator Units